Since I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, it likely will not be a shock to you that I’ve written many news articles!
These are a few of my favorites with varying topics. There’s a foreign correspondence piece featuring sources from India that I contacted myself, a published feature article about the local tradition of Rocky Horror in Athens Ohio, and a review of a production of Urinetown.
(Fun fact about me: I am an avid theatre nerd with a love of working behind the scenes!)

The Migrant Workers Of India
Foreign Correspondence
This article was part of my foreign correspondence capstone project at Ohio University. I personally reached out to sources in India to better understand their concerns about the intense migration of people who felt forced to vacate rural areas to find jobs in big cities.
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Rocky Horror Feature Article
A feature article about the annual student-run Rocky Horror Picture Show at Ohio University. Published by, this piece sheds light on why why people flock to see this cult-classic movie, be part of the stage performance, and enjoy the culture is fosters.
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Ohio University’s Uninetown
Reviewing & Criticism
As a self-proclaimed theatre geek and techie, I absolutely adore reviewing plays and musicals! In my reviews, I strive to look at the show as a whole and note how the lighting design, costume design, and directorial choices affect the impact of the production as a whole.