So What Exactly Do I Write?

You already have the perfect product, now you just need the perfect name.

Alright so you’ll probably need a bit more than that, but let me tell you: there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your finished product in person. Or even better, on the shelf in stores.

Let’s bring your product to life!

Amp-up the engagement and effectiveness of your website with personalized web copy.

Whether you want to tweak your e-commerce product descriptions for better SEO, or to create a brand new website from scratch, I’m here to help make your copy shine.

Is your newsletter content starting to feel a bit stale? Are you ready to send emails that actually get read? You and I both know that simply sending “something” won’t keep your email list long.

Let’s craft some fresh content that matches your company vibe and creates a kick-ass click-through rate!

Get loads of leads—even with limited characters.

Let me use my six years of experience in strategic social media and digital marketing to help you stand out as a thought leader and (most importantly) drive conversions.

Writing sales copy is a bit like performing an intricate, interpretive dance.

You need to display expertise, hold attention, be convincing, and make your message abundantly clear—all while sounding like your authentic self.

Okay so maybe that last bit doesn’t hold up to the dance metaphor…but selling people on anything is still nothing short of an art form.

Looking to drive more traffic to your website?

Blogs are a great way to attract the right audience, provide immediate value, and display expertise in your field.

Plus, they’re the ultimate tool for top-tier SEO.

The Creative Copywriting Process

A 30 minute video call to get to know one another, establish needs, and set a budget.  

I’ll send you a personalized work proposal with pricing and a game plan for next steps.

This is the fun part! I’ll get to writing like the wind while you get to focus on your business.

Just Looking For An Editor?

Listen, I will be the first to tell you that copyediting your own writing can feel utterly impossible.

Whether you’re an author who can’t stand to cut bits of your beloved main character, or you’re a fellow copywriter that longs for a second set of eyes, everyone could use a fresh perspective now and again.

I want to help tell your story! Let’s chat about what you’d like to achieve and I can draw-up a custom proposal.

Ready To Finally Get Some Writing Done?

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is copywriting?

Writing that both informs the reader & persuades them to take action. Think of it as the secret sauce behind effective advertisements.

So what’s creative copywriting?

I’m so glad you asked! Creative copywriting is my specialty. It’s when you incorporate a client’s quirky & unique voice into their copy to create a cohesive, one-of-a-kind story & brand.

Think of it as where creative writing meets advertising. You’re not just selling a product or service—you’re telling a brand’s story with their own voice.

Do you have fixed pricing for your work?

Yes and no. For blogs, I have a fixed price of $100 per 500 words. For everything else, I use the information gathered in our initial discovery call to create a custom work proposal. This is due to the variability of services I offer, paired with the varying needs of my clients (whether they already have an established brand voice, need to develop one, or if they just need editing help.)

I’m a freelancer too, is there a way I can chat with you about freelancing?

OMG of course!! I love answering questions about copywriting, freelancing, my dog, and anything else I have trivial knowledge about. (Which is lots of random things.) Just go to my contact page, sign up for a discovery call time, and write in comment box that you’re a fellow freelancer looking to connect.

Let’s Find Your Voice, Together.

Working with me means never staring at a blank page and blinking cursor by your lonesome. You gain a quirky creative with a passion for storytelling to guide you through any stage of the writing process. I love helping my clients develop and maintain their brand voices so they stand out from the crowd and can better meet their marketing goals. Whether you’re brand is already established or you’re just getting started, I’m here for you every step of the way!